Tamsin Philip

-photographer based in Bellingham, Washington.

Monthly Specials

November: Family Portraits

Can't believe it's November already! It's about that time of year where we are planning family portraits for our family Christmas cards, fur babies included of course!

My Chinstrap package includes the following information:

This package is for family portraits. 3-6 participants of any age. Pets count towards number of participants

$300 ($250 for the month of November), 45min-1hr of posing and a minimum of 100 photos sent to you within 6 days of the initial shoot.

New Addition

Portfolio at a glance

08/18/2021- Elizabeth Park, Bellingham WA

10/25/2020- Bellewood Farms, Lynden WA

Many locations and dates- Photographer's dog

12/00/2013- The Hatchery, KZN South Africa

To see more of my portfolio, click here.